Zombie Chomp

Zombie Chomp was a tower defense style flash game done by Hive7. I led the visual development by establishing the overall style and defining the look and feel for all the characters, backgrounds, and props. I even animated each zombie character and the traps placed in each of the bases. I remember defining the style as "cute-gore", so naturally any blood had to be pink.

In addition to developing the art style, I worked closely with the developers on the art/animation integration, the UI/interaction designers on establishing a look and feel for the UI, and directed other artists ensuring stylistic consistency. It's still one of my favorite projects.

The game featured a fully customizable maze for players to create in order to defend hoards of zombies trying to infiltrate their base and steal their stock of brains — good clean fun!

Logo by Max Markel. UI/interaction design by Max Markel and Luke Nalker.